Friday 23 April 2010

Security Guard Model Development

Finished model

Modelling after a while, before adding some of the finer details.

Reflattened the mapping as the original had many polygons overlapping. I decided not to spend a long time joining all the polygons together as it would still be possible to effectively create a good skin for the model.

Used the unrap UVW modifier to start creating the textures for the security guard model.

Worked on the hat proportions, so it fit the models head better.

Created a hat for the security guard to wear.

Work on the mouth and changed the size of the hands to be in proportion using the scale tool.

Added in facial features, cheeks and eyes. Turned up number of iterations on the turbo smooth modifier to 2 to smooth over the face more effectively.

Changed the head shape and added a nose to it.

Started remodelling the head.

I was also not happy with the hands and so they were deleted and remodelled.

Started modelling the head, but was not happy with amount of vertices and edges all over the place so I deleted it.

Developed the hands a bit more and added in a belt and definition to the trousers.

Started adding the hands to the model. Changed the mesh smooth modifier for a turbosmooth one as the smoothing was more effective.

I was not happy with the torso as the character was supposed to look fat but not pregnant, so I changed the upper torso.

changed the body proportions slightly.

Worked on the body shape a bit more.

Added on the arms and neck by extruding the polygons. Applied a mesh smooth modifier to smooth over the model.

Started working on the upper torso. Modified the body shape a bit.

Rounded off the legs and started working on the torso by manipulating the vertices into position.

Started creating the model by creating a box then converting it to an editable poly. Manipulated the vertices into a shoe shape then extruded some polygons to create the basic leg shape. I then added a symmetry modifier to mirror the leg and the rest of the model.

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