Thursday 6 May 2010


Now I have finished the assignment I feel I have learned a lot in this part of the module. I had no prior experience of animating in the a 3D enviroment before the start of the semester and therefore I feel I have come a long way during this module. I think the overall result of the animation is better than I expected it would be when I was first given the assignment brief.

I think the animation is good but there is a lot that could be improved with the animation part particularly. There are many scenes where at some point the animation does not look natural of flow particularly well and could be tweaked to get a better result. I think this is due to my time management of the project as I focused for too long on the modelling part rather than the animation. I think I probably set myself too bigger task for the amount I time I had to complete the assignment. Having to model a whole theatre was too time consuming and there were many other fables I could have chosen with less to model, meaning I could focus on the animation more.

I believe I have used a wide variety of animation techniques and tried to incorporate as many as I could into the animation. I achieved most of what I would have like to have done, however the animation would have been better if the reactor water had worked and I wanted to try lip syncing, but did not have time to.

I feel that since I started this assignment I have learned at lot and would have liked to improve upon the parts I did first that are not so good. I am also happy with my use of cameras and lighting in the animation. I think all of the are used to a good effect and none are without purpose. It is the first time I have thought about lighting and cameras and so overall I feel I did a good job.

In conclusion I feel I have learned a lot over the course of the module and the experience I gained will be very valuable when it comes to future modules. I think the animation meets the criteria for the assignment well and I hope my hard work will be overall worthwhile.

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