Tuesday 4 May 2010

Scene 5 - Fox Hunting

A couple of cameras were added. The first will capture the security guard walking down the stairs. The second will capture the security guard searching the front of the theatre.

The doors in the scene were then animation using the set key tool. The guards arm was positioned so it looks like he is pushing the doors open.

The torch object was added once again to the security guard left hand. A target spot light was connected to the torch to make it look like the torch is on. At first the light target did not follow the light object but this was solved also by linking the light target to the torch object. I think this adds a really nice effect to the scene with a good dynamic lighting effect in addition to the lightning effect.

The next part of the scene shows the security guard looking for the fox inside the theatre. The footstep tool was used plot the guard's path through the theatre. When it came to the stairs the animation doesn't look as natural as it could, but there is no easy way to solve this so rather than wasting time fixing this I decided to place the camera in a way the animation might look more natural.

The first part of the animation was the security guard picking up the torch. To do this the auto key was used to gradually move the security guard hand into position to pick up the torch. To pick it up a dummy box was created that was linked to the torch. A link constraint was then added to the torch in the motion panel. A link was then added to the dummy object and left hand from frame 60 onwards. Therefore when the animation reached frame 60 the torch would be connected to the biped but not before, giving the impression the torch was being picked up.

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